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Home of the Mustangs!

Grading Brochure


What are Standards-Based Practices (SBP)?


Standards-Based Practices are refined ways of reporting what students know and how they demonstrate their learning of state content standards by grading assessments, projects and presentations rather than practice.


Standards-Based Practices promotes dialogue between teachers, parents, and students regarding what is expected of students in the academic environment, as well as communicating what each student knows and is able to do according to the state standards.


Another purpose of Standards-Based Practices is to create a clear and accurate description of student progress in two key areas:



  • Academic performance that aligns with the Arizona State Standards


  • Evidence of growth toward grade level expectations



Grading Practices


*Feedback through checklists, comments, & rubrics will be given to students to keep track of their progress.

*Homework, class work, observations, rough drafts, and work samples (formative assessments) are used to measure progress and to provide effective feedback of progress. These “form learning.” *Formative assessments can be documented in the grade book or teacher records, and minimal points can be assigned for homework and classwork.

*Tests, quizzes, projects, presentations, etc. (summative assessments) are also used to measure student’s progress. Summative assessments provide evidence of learning. These “summarize learning.”


*Summative assessments receiving less than 50% are put into the grade book as a 49% with a comment until the assessment has been redone.


If an assignment has not been completed it will indicate a grade of 49% in the grade book.


*Effort, participation, and attitude will not be included in final grades, but may be reported on the report card.


*Rubrics/project sheets will be used for students & parents to understand expectations for assignments.


*Extra credit is not given; it is not an effective way to show mastery of standards.


Using Standards-Based

Practices Students

will become:


  1. Self-Directed Learners
  2. Community Contributors
  3. Complex Thinkers
  4. Quality Producers
  5. Effective Communicators
  6. Effective and Ethical Users of Technology

What are



 Parent-Student Guide

 Teacher Responsibilities:

 v  Design assignments and assessments that meet the learning objectives

v  Provide timely feedback and communication to students and parents so that progress on each content standard can be monitored

v  Provide opportunities for students to display learning in a variety of ways

v  Allow re-taking of math tests for a change in grade

Student Responsibilities:

 v  Request help to understand concepts that are misunderstood

v  Complete all assignments in a timely manner

v  Redo assignments and assessments that show less than mastery of a standard

v  Redo assignments that show mastery of standards to show exceeding/excelling of standards

v  Complete homework—do not rush to complete it, but use it as practice to learn concepts for assessments

v  Arrange for time to redo assessments

v  Use PowerSchool to monitor progress

Parent Responsibilities:

v  Communicate regularly with your child about his/her progress

v  Help with time management to ensure that all assignments get completed on time

v  Review completed work

v  Provide a suitable study environment

v  Sign necessary math forms/assessments to allow student to retest

v  Use PowerSchool to monitor student’s progress on each content standard

Grade Level Snapshots

Kindergarten through Second Grade

  • A score of 50% will be used for any grade that falls below 50%
  • Practice (homework) in Kinder and First grade is a review of skills that are taught in class. It will not be graded, however, the goal of the practice is to review concepts and establish good habits
  • If it is observed a student needs additional support on a concept, additional materials and suggestions may be sent home for practice and reinforcement

Third through Eighth

  • A score of 50% will be used for any grade that falls below 50%
  • Homework/practice may receive a P for completion either in grade book or teacher records
  • Students may chose to retake math tests (one per test) with signed parental form and all practice work completed
  • Math vocabulary and math ISNs are not eligible for retakes
  • Late work will be accepted at teacher discretion

Grading Practices


Avoid Recording Zeros

Zeros skew the grade to a point where accuracy is distorted. Avoiding zeros balances out the grading system.

Allow a Second Attempt or “Re-Take” at Math Mastery

Students learn at different rates. Allowing multiple attempts encourages students to do their best and gives them credit for their learning.

Avoid Grading Practice or “homework”

Students should not be penalized for grades during the learning progress, rather, assessed once the material is mastered. Students should also not have elevated grades for completingpractice when practice is an expectation of learning.


What do grades mean?


Grades are a way to communicate with students and parents how a student is doing in relation to the state academic standards.


E or A through A +  Student is showing a high level of mastery, exceeding the standards.


S or B+ through C  Student is showing a good level of mastery, approaching to meeting mastery, in the state standards.


N and U or C - through F Student is falling far below or approaching mastery of standards. 

Continued missing or late assignments may result in a parent/teacher/student conference to develop a plan for success in meeting the standards.  

Grades 3-8 Grading Scale

A = 100 % - 90%

B = 89% - 80 %

C = 79% - 70%

D = 69% - 60%

F = 59% - 50%


Grades 1-2 Grading Scale

98% - 100% E+

93 - 97% E

90 - 92% E-

84 - 89% S+

76 - 83% S

70 - 75% S-

68 - 69% N+

63 - 67% N

60 - 62% –

59% or below U