Ms. Sutton - Math
Phone: 623-376-5077
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education
Middle Grades Mathematics Endorsement
Structured English Immersion Endorsement
I'm so excited to teach you this year in 8th Grade Math or Algebra 1-2 Honors! I have lived in Arizona all my life and I am a graduate of the University of Arizona (Bear down!). I have been teaching at West Wing since 2018 and was awarded as a 2022-2023 DVEF Teacher of the Year. I look forward to us growing together in our classroom.
Contact Hours (email): Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00
Contact Hours (phone): Monday-Thursday 9:30-10:15
Study Sessions: Wednesdays 3:30-4:15 or by appointment
More Information
Welcome to 8th Grade Math or Algebra 1-2 Honors!
- Students should utilize Canvas throughout the year to keep up to date with all our math class happenings: Canvas Login
- This year, we are using All Things EQ with our students to work on social-emotional learning.
Math 8 Resources
- Student Access (includes activities and lessons done in class, lesson summaries, homework practice problems)
- Video Notes and Homework Help (explanations of each lesson, homework help, extra materials)
- Family Materials (includes short descriptions of the lessons, activities to try with your child)
- Khan Academy Illustrative Math Help (extra help which coincides with the lessons taught by Illustrative Math)
Algebra 1-2 Honors Resources
- Student Access (includes activities and lessons done in class, lesson summaries, homework practice problems)
- Family Materials (includes short descriptions of the lessons, activities to try with your child)
- Khan Academy Practice
Math 8 Syllabus
8th Grade Mathematics
Syllabus 2024-2025
Teacher: Ms. Sutton
Phone: 623-376-5077
Study Sessions: Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:15 or by appointment
About This Class
We will be learning about the following: rigid transformations, congruence, dilations,
similarity, slope, linear relationships/equations/systems, functions, volume, associations
in data, exponents, scientific notation, Pythagorean Theorem, and irrational numbers.
Class Expectations and Rules
● Follow the West Wing Way! Have respect, compassion, and integrity.
● Be prepared at the beginning of every class with the necessary materials.
● Follow directions.
● Participate and do your best.
● Gum, food, drinks other than water, cell phones, electronics, and headphones
may not be used in the classroom (unless directed otherwise).
● Backpacks must be left under your desk at all times.
Attendance/Absent Policy
One of the best ways to be successful in this class is to be present! If you are absent, it
is your job to check the whiteboard for the weekly schedule and Canvas. You are
responsible for retrieving and completing notes, turning in coursework, and scheduling
missed assessments.
Grading Policies
It is your responsibility to keep up with the coursework. If you are missing an
assessment or any coursework, it will be entered as a zero and marked as missing in
the gradebook until you turn it in. If an assessment or any coursework has not been
turned in by one week prior to the end of the grading period, then the score will have a
final grade of 49%.
Late work will be accepted for full credit up to 5 days after the end of an instructional
unit or as discussed with the teacher.
If you score less than a 50% on an assessment or any coursework, the score will be
recorded as a 50% with the actual score noted in the comments.
You have the opportunity to show mastery on unit assessments (except for District
exams). Reassessments must be done within 10 school days of receiving original score
and follow reassessment requirements.
Quarter Grade Calculation
Assessments - 80% of overall class grade
Coursework - 20% of overall class grade
Extra credit will not be offered
● 1.5” 3-ring binder (used for math class only)
● 5-tab dividers
● Pencils (mechanical if possible), pens, highlighters, colored pencils
● White board markers (fine tip if possible)
● Lined paper, graph paper
● Ruler
● Personal wire headphones
● Basic calculator (scientific is fine, NO GRAPHING)
Optional supplies: sheet protectors, scissors
Donations graciously accepted: disinfecting wipes, tissues, pencils
Academic Integrity
To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified
School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all
about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means doing work that is entirely your
own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through
proper citation when you use their ideas or words. Students who do not demonstrate
academic integrity will receive disciplinary and academic action.
I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus when needed.
*Sign and return the next page to Ms. Sutton by Friday, August 9
Algebra 1-2 Honors Syllabus
8th Grade Mathematics
Syllabus 2024-2025
Teacher: Ms. Sutton
Phone: 623-376-5077
Study Sessions: Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:15 or by appointment
About This Class
We will be learning about the following: rigid transformations, congruence, dilations,
similarity, slope, linear relationships/equations/systems, functions, volume, associations
in data, exponents, scientific notation, Pythagorean Theorem, and irrational numbers.
Class Expectations and Rules
● Follow the West Wing Way! Have respect, compassion, and integrity.
● Be prepared at the beginning of every class with the necessary materials.
● Follow directions.
● Participate and do your best.
● Gum, food, drinks other than water, cell phones, electronics, and headphones
may not be used in the classroom (unless directed otherwise).
● Backpacks must be left under your desk at all times.
Attendance/Absent Policy
One of the best ways to be successful in this class is to be present! If you are absent, it
is your job to check the whiteboard for the weekly schedule and Canvas. You are
responsible for retrieving and completing notes, turning in coursework, and scheduling
missed assessments.
Grading Policies
It is your responsibility to keep up with the coursework. If you are missing an
assessment or any coursework, it will be entered as a zero and marked as missing in
the gradebook until you turn it in. If an assessment or any coursework has not been
turned in by one week prior to the end of the grading period, then the score will have a
final grade of 49%.
Late work will be accepted for full credit up to 5 days after the end of an instructional
unit or as discussed with the teacher.
If you score less than a 50% on an assessment or any coursework, the score will be
recorded as a 50% with the actual score noted in the comments.
You have the opportunity to show mastery on unit assessments (except for District
exams). Reassessments must be done within 10 school days of receiving original score
and follow reassessment requirements.
Quarter Grade Calculation
Assessments - 80% of overall class grade
Coursework - 20% of overall class grade
Extra credit will not be offered
● 1.5” 3-ring binder (used for math class only)
● 5-tab dividers
● Pencils (mechanical if possible), pens, highlighters, colored pencils
● White board markers (fine tip if possible)
● Lined paper, graph paper
● Ruler
● Personal wire headphones
● Basic calculator (scientific is fine, NO GRAPHING)
Optional supplies: sheet protectors, scissors
Donations graciously accepted: disinfecting wipes, tissues, pencils
Academic Integrity
To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified
School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all
about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means doing work that is entirely your
own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through
proper citation when you use their ideas or words. Students who do not demonstrate
academic integrity will receive disciplinary and academic action.
I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus when needed.
*Sign and return the next page to Ms. Sutton by Friday, August 9