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West Wing School
Home of the Mustangs!

NJHS Member Expectations

Member Expectations

  • See By-Laws for full descriptions
    1. Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, or service may be dismissed from the Terramar Prepartory Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society.
    • A member's cumulative GPA must be 3.5 or above
    • Violations of the school's rules, rights, and responsibilities may result in a written warning and /or dismissal from the chapter
    2. All active members are expected to attend regularly scheduled meetings. Advisor must be given a written and signed notice to explain absence. Any member that has two unexcused absences will no longer be considered an active member.
    3. Members must participate, to some extent, in all service projects selected by the chapter.

    • Members will serve on one committee per school year
    • Members are expected to keep their commitments to the chapter.

    4. Members are expected to complete a certain number of hours per quarter.  Hours must be logged and a supervisor must sign to verify hours. 

West Wing School

National Junior Honor Society


Membership Requirements:

  • 4 G.P.A. (A= 4pts, B= 3pts, C=2pts, D= 1pt, F= 0 pts. GPA is calculated for all subjects)
  • Community Service Hours= 5 per quarter, 20 total for school year.
    • Students are responsible to fulfill on their own and at West Wing School. Some group opportunities will be available, but this in an individual requirement.
      • Upcoming Opportunities:
        • TBD
      • Attend all NJHS Meetings: TBD
        • You are allowed 2 unexcused absences (missed meetings) for the year.


Membership Expectations:

  • Members will honor their Pledge to the NJHS through their conduct, both at school and in the community.
  • Members will participate in a whole group service projects
  • Members will assume a leadership role on campus and encourage strong character in their peers.
  • Members will participate in all meetings.